A few thoughts and an offer

Thank you, United Health Care. Since there is no generic of Zymar, I've now forked over $45 for another 5 ml of the lifesaving antidote to cancer — eye antibiotic. ***** It's so cold in my office that … When I stepped outside today and thought "furnace!" I actually also thought, "Sweet relief." I think…

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The eyes have it

And so, let the healing continue. Yesterday, the "bandage" lenses that were letting the cornea heal came off. And if there's anything more unnerving than a doctor coming at your eyes with a pair of tweezers (!) I can't think of it. Even Hal the blinking eye was less scary. Oh, wait, I thought of…

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In sharp detail, if not relief

I am delighted beyond words that all of my close and loving friends are so assured of my general well-being in this world, and ability to bounce back from having lasers pointed into my eyes and corneas reshaped that they feel no need send out  well-being wishes. I am, as it turns out, extremely resilient…

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The Web, in 72 Pt. Font

Well, the Web she does lose something in the translation when you have to view her in enormous type font. I've had PRK surgery on my eyes (having "asymmetrical corneas" means you don't get LASIK if you want it) and the healing process is longer than with LASIK. It means I still have tiny lenses…

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