Posts Tagged ‘chocolate’
8.27.15 “All of us wished we possessed a tail we could wag.”
Specific and unsundry links, meanderings and etc. from the day. Plus, kids taste dark chocolate for the first time!
Read MoreHappiness is….
A galaxy of delights Getting four bars of Galaxy chocolate sent to you as a surprise from England. You rule, Weegoddess! Nom nom nom nom…..
Read MoreThe sweetest thing
Phew! That was a whirlwind. I think I can literally and figuratively say this was the sweetest birthday I've ever had — and the nicest part was it lasted just about a full week. Since I'm about to run out the door to Thanksgiving in the state I like to mess with, this'll all be…
Read MoreGotta have the sweet stuff
Has there been some kind of undeclared shortage of chocolate out there? Because while the squirrel who couldn't help himself was cute and prompted me to make a LOLsquirrel for Noralita … LOLSquirrel … I'm not sure what to say about Catherine Anne Delgado, of my home state, who couldn't seem to help herself either:…
Read MoreHand to hand combat
On the one hand …. Stubb's was closed. On the other …. Rudy's was not. So…. I had ribs. Yay! Burp! On the one hand … I dreamed about a young Michael Caine, and we made plans for a dinner date. On the other hand … He didn't make it into the real world, so,…
Read MoreCorrection of the A.M.
In my mailbox this morning, from Harper's magazine's weekly email dispatch, a correction: The statement "In New York City, someone stole the penis of achocolate Jesus" is not true; the source was a satire website that wasmistakenly thought to be a genuine news source. Harper's Weeklyapologizes for the error. And here I thought only The…
Read MoreThe most wonderful time of the year
Sacked Out As Thanksgiving recedes and I fail to write about it due to time constraints, I fear the events of that week may never be recorded for all posterity. Eh, who cares. I'll get to it if I can. What I'm stuck on now is my complete addiction to Palmer chocolate candy. Seriously. You've…
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