Posts Tagged ‘politics’
3.21.16 20 Years in NYC, Pt. 3: ‘Many worlds I’ve come since I first left home’
I got on the train and the car was quiet. Very quiet. As we curled around Queensboro Plaza and got that great east side view of the city you could still see black and gray smoke trailing from the south end of Manhattan, as if the place had sprung a leak or caught fire. The train trundled past and we all moved to the window to watch until the bend on the tracks curved us out of the way. Then we went back to our seats and avoided each others’ eyes.
Read MoreOpen meal decisions
Week two of the Paleo! That makes it sound more exciting than it is. Though seriously, it's not a bad food program to be on; I'm not really craving bread or chocolate. I'm certainly not over either of those things; I'd have a slice of challah and butter in a second if I didn't think…
Read MoreIck fades, yearning rises
While it seems unlikely anyone is reading this, I am endeavoring to be consistent! Here we are on Day 3 of the Paleo. Most of the icky feeling is gone, though I feel a teensy bit queasy. Also beginning to long for some cheese and bread. But thus far: It is true that you aren't…
Read MoreWisconsin cheese, and its after-effects
I hardly know what to say that hasn't already been said about what's going on in Wisconsin — or rather what just went on — and the dismantling of the public service workers' unions out there. It has the ultimate whiff of loophole-ism — that is, people who can't play by the rules, and so…
Read MoreI Mess With Texas, The Continuing Saga
Or, I've lost count how many times I've messed with Texas. The Mess With Texas Sign Mainly because I occasionally begin to think it might be OK down there, and then I remember: I've only ever really been to Austin. So I forget to pay attention. And then BS like this pops up. From the…
Read MoreLook to the cookie
Full of win Yes, we can has cookie.
Read MoreKnee-jerk reactions of the morning
From CNN: "Sen. John McCain has picked Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, a senior McCain campaign official told CNN on Friday. Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, here in February, will be Sen. John McCain's running mate, a campaign official says." 1) Well, history's being made one way or the other this election. 2)…
Read MoreInterstitial Post to Keep You Busy
More on Vegas after I get some sleep. Meanwhile, something that’ll keep you from sleeping: Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Disastrous Presidency
Read MoreSouth By Interlude
Right. So. About to drop over from too-much-movie-itis (I know, boo fuckin' hoo), and will hopefully have something useful to say next week about the craziness that is SXSW, but in the meanwhile: My record at not voting for viable candidates stands. As I noted a few weeks ago, I've never backed the winning horse…
Read MoreRock the vote
I can hear her from the other room on CNN. Hillary, making some kind of positive, upbeat, "see, look what I can do" speech. I'm not mad, precisely. Just a little disheartened. And oddly sanguine, because it all makes sense. When I got up this morning I was rousing myself from a good 36-hour long-building…
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