Posts Tagged ‘movies’
World’s end
io9 has messed up my day. It's way too unnerving to watch a trailer for "Doomsday" here…. Then moments later read this article, which reads in part: The bacteria appear to be transmitted most easily through intimate sexual contact, but can spread through casual skin-to-skin contact or contact with contaminated surfaces. The scientists are concerned…
Read MorePast Deadline Post: A Store Grows in Williamsburg
Hi folks — in addition to posting here I often have items up at the Past Deadline blog. Here's one that should be of particular interest to foodies and New Yorkers alike: All about Urban Rustic, the new organic grocery store in Williamsburg. Click on over!
Read MoreWelcome to Geek Central
Population: Me Macintosh takes reverse-image photos! Contains: "The Final Cut. Three Complete Archival Versions. Enhancement Archive. Ultra-Rare Pre-Release Workprint." And a vial of Harrison Ford's blood. Well, maybe not. I think I'm going to have a very special weekend.
Read MoreThe Multiplex Weekend Begins
The cinema is open These are the movies. The movies I got sent over the last few weeks as part of the run-up to Oscar nominations. These are the films that need to be watched. Last night. Today. Tomorrow. We will attempt to tackle the movies. Along with lots of lovely food. And a deep…
Read MoreLegendary marketing decisions of the day
He's the man! So, I went to see "I Am Legend" with about 3,000 other screaming New Yorkers on Tuesday night. Liked it, not a whole lot but a whole lot more than Mike did. Can we start the countdown now to Will Smith's conversion to Scientology? Because he's hanging out with Tom Cruise way…
Read MoreOuchie, then popcorn
So, I had a cortisone shot today. In my elbow. Let me tell you, the phrase "a shot in the arm" does not mean, in this case, that I felt rarin' to go. It actually means my elbow area now hurts more than it did before I had the shot, an after-effect that will apparently…
Read MoreA dusting from the Sandman
Well, The Sandman's creator, anyway. Mike and I went to a screening of "Stardust" on Monday night, and it was darling, with lots of "Princess Bride" touches and some lovely twists in the storytelling that — as Mike points out here in his review — are clearly from the mind of Neil Gaiman, who wrote…
Read MoreA few thoughts and an offer
Thank you, United Health Care. Since there is no generic of Zymar, I've now forked over $45 for another 5 ml of the lifesaving antidote to cancer — eye antibiotic. ***** It's so cold in my office that … When I stepped outside today and thought "furnace!" I actually also thought, "Sweet relief." I think…
Read MoreDoes whatever a spider can
We three happy fellas Want to talk mayhem, talk about the U.S. premiere of "Spider-Man 3" in Astoria, Queens. Just picking up the tickets was a madhouse, with a queue around the block. And me in my big ole high heels. Sitting two seats over from the big boss was a little nerve-wracking, but sitting…
Read MoreIs that a billion pre-tax?
Can I Use A Coupon? Yeah, so, I'm in the middle of watching Michael Caine in this late 1960s film (the final one in the Harry Palmer series) called "Billion Dollar Brain." Mainly because Netflix recommended it, but also mainly because, well, Michael Caine. And spy stuff. But this film is completely, utterly, totally ridiculous.…
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