On the road to feeling normal

Day five! Feeling a whole lot better today. I'm still not going to say 100%, but almost entirely back to normal. Not sleepy, not nauseous, not anything out of the ordinary. So M was correct: Not a flu. Hurrah! Benefits thus far: I always sleep well, but sleeping just great. Nice and deep, rarely up.…

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Short (not really) and sweet (not at all)

Keeping things short today: Definitely feeling better, but I still won't say 100%. Last night, I told M that I was running a low-grade fever (went as high as 99.6, which considering I'm usually 97-ish is high for me) and he said that's all part of the process. So if I turn out to have…

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Ick fades, yearning rises

While it seems unlikely anyone is reading this, I am endeavoring to be consistent! Here we are on Day 3 of the Paleo. Most of the icky feeling is gone, though I feel a teensy bit queasy. Also beginning to long for some cheese and bread. But thus far: It is true that you aren't…

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Sweet as….

There's something about the date here … a three, followed by a 14, followed by a whole bunch of other numbers … ah, well, I'll just have dessert. http://thedailywh.at/2011/03/14/obligatory-of-the-day-6/

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5.28.04 Hadrian’s Wall Walk: Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Location: Northeast England, on the Tyne River (naturally) Other Names for Area: Tyneside, Tyne-and-Wear Names For Locals: Geordies Famous Local Musicians: Sting, Andy Taylor, Martin Stephenson Population: 134,000 I’d resisted visiting Newcastle: Reports from down South (read: London) made me think it’d be all coated with coal dust and economically depressed and possibly full of…

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