The crucible of Gallery 1988

One in a continuing series of reasons why I never have any spare cash:

I have an unslakeable (is that a word?) lust for Luke Chueh's adorable, hilarious, yet grim paintings. I have not been able to afford a real one, but I do have some glicees giclees. (Specifically the bunny one with the shoes in the middle, aka "Another Useless Gift Revisited" and the bear one on the right, called "Possessed.") I'm even geeky enough to have not one but two limited edition vinyl toy copies of "Possessed."

Now Gallery 1988, where he does the majority of his shows, is having another event where this will occur (according to the blog):

Introducing the first ever G1988 Mini Print Chase Set (TM) (C) (R)
(OTHER LETTERS), with our first set dedicated to LA artist Luke Chueh.
Releasing on Feb. 5, at the 3-man show "Long Arm Of The Paw," where
Luke will also be exhibiting new originals, this is one of my favorite
things we've ever sold at the gallery, hands down!

Featuring 4
of Luke's most popular, and SOLD OUT, 1988 print images (I Asked For
Scrambled, The Alchemist, Another Useless Gift Revisted and Possessed)
these prints come as a set and each print is 4 x 5 inches. Each print
will be signed, while the set, an edition of 500, is hand numbered by
Luke. AND on top of all that…1 in 10 sets will have a chase mini
print (1st ever!) of what is hands down Luke's most sought after, and
now unattainable, print (4×4 inches, edition of 50).

So you
get all 4 of these extremely popular prints, a 10% chance to get a
super limited (SUPER FRENZIED) print – all in a nice little set – for

Cost is not really a problem; $80 isn't too bad (don't ask what I paid for the toys). But these are limited enough that I probably won't be able to order one in time. For the toys, I sent my friend Joey there to stand in line and get me what I needed. Yes, there was a line. And the last time they had a run on Chueh things (for the toys), it crashed their Web site.

This is one of those times I wish I lived in Los Angeles. Me want!



  1. mikecap on 1/25/08 at 10:16 am


  2. Armchair News on 1/25/08 at 10:23 am

    See, I can take criticism. ;D

  3. snoringKatZ on 1/25/08 at 4:20 pm

    I wish I knew someone who lived there because I’d make them stand in line for you 🙂

  4. Armchair News on 1/25/08 at 6:44 pm

    It’s the thought that counts. 😀