A few thoughts and an offer

Thank you, United Health Care. Since there is no generic of Zymar, I've now forked over $45 for another 5 ml of the lifesaving antidote to cancer — eye antibiotic. ***** It's so cold in my office that … When I stepped outside today and thought "furnace!" I actually also thought, "Sweet relief." I think…

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Notice: Cookies Wouldn’t Hurt, Either

Notice The mysterious kitchen notice-poster at work is at it again. This was up in another kitchen today, but it's the same floor. Caveat: I do not work at MSN News. (Despite the recent MSNBC posts.) While it's hard to disagree that "cookies wouldn't hurt," which can be true in pretty much every situation, I…

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The dangling conversation, the superficial sigh

I think I'm having an argument at work. Can you argue with someone you've never met, and never directly communicated with? It started yesterday afternoon; I went into the kitchen to clean up some dishes and saw someone had posted a scare notice next to the sink about why you shouldn't microwave plastic or freeze…

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Hi, I’m Billy

Ciaracake This evening involved a dozen eggs. Most of them were hard-boiled. Two went into a recipe. As a single person there's something gratuitous about buying a dozen eggs, because unless you do something like hard boil them, how can you possibly expect to consume that many eggs before they go bad? The spare two…

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