Posts Tagged ‘new york times’
Short (not really) and sweet (not at all)
Keeping things short today: Definitely feeling better, but I still won't say 100%. Last night, I told M that I was running a low-grade fever (went as high as 99.6, which considering I'm usually 97-ish is high for me) and he said that's all part of the process. So if I turn out to have…
Read MoreBook ’em
I am a book lover. But I'm cheap. Well, hardly flush with cash. That's the main thing. If I had tons of money to toss around I'd buy hardbacks left and right. But my general M.O. is this: Hear of book.Find book in library.Reserve book.Wait.Tap foot.Wait.Get book.Read book.Love book? –> Get hardback.Like book? –> Return.…
Read MoreTwice-told tales
What do you do with a story that keeps revealing itself, even when you think you're done with it? I understand that stories — not unlike paintings or sculpture or filmmaking or any kind of artistic endeavor — start out with a rough sketch that, with time, smooths into a recognizable structure and ideally, becomes…
Read MoreVonnegut ephemera, New York Times style
This, found parked at the bottom of the "non-famous folks"/paid (I believe) obit listings in today's Sunday New York Times. I didn't know his dog was named Flour but, then again, I didn't give it much thought until now: Old Friends
Read MoreA New York Times mystery
New York Times: Lost and Found Discovered floating alone in its own whitespace, not in the classifieds section, of today's New York Times. A Google of "Francis Laight" pulls up virtually nothing, and nothing relevant. The quote, if that's what it is, also doesn't jog any links. It's also vaguely creepy, like someone's telling someone…
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