Doing it right
So, now that I'm working from home, all my phone bills belong to me. That means I'm learning just how much I was using the phone in reality, as opposed to the pittance I tended to use when I was just on my own time. Here now, a difference between a Good Customer Experience, and…
Read MoreLook to the cookie
Full of win Yes, we can has cookie.
Read MoreHome for the Holidays
My tale is told Well, it's finally happened: "Home for the Holidays" is a podcast reality. It's a really great way to end what has — for the most part — been a pretty trying year. The story came about last November when I was visiting the family in their suburban Austin digs; anyone who…
Read MoreElections go better with cupcakes
This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless! To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture. 1104082249.jpg
Read MoreBlogging courtesy comedy central
Live at indecision 08 This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless! To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture. 1104082129.jpg
Read MoreThemed Cupcakes: The Return
Right, so, between the book and my discovery (after about 200 million others) of Facebook, I just haven’t found myself in the mood much for blogging. Nor have I had the time. But if I really wanted to blog I’d have found the time and not started playing Sonny. Anyway, some photos to tide y’all…
Read MoreKnee-jerk reactions of the morning
From CNN: "Sen. John McCain has picked Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, a senior McCain campaign official told CNN on Friday. Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, here in February, will be Sen. John McCain's running mate, a campaign official says." 1) Well, history's being made one way or the other this election. 2)…
Read MoreNew fish to fry
Borrowed from Rosefox; I sense she won't mind. This regulation does not limit patient access to health care, but rather protects any individual health care provider or institution from being compelled to participate in, or from being punished for refusal to participate in, a service that, for example, violates their conscience. …When applying the term…
Read MoreLittle buggers
Last night I went to bed at the (now, in my old age) outrageously late hour of 1:30 am. In summer months I usually sleep on top of my sheets, but there was enough of a draft that I tucked my legs under the comforter. An hour later I woke up with an itch on…
Read MoreFor the days I’m not feeling special enough
I should always refer back to this: HowManyOfMe.com There is1 person with my name in the U.S.A. How many have your name? This should also squash the dozens of people I meet for the first time who insist they also know someone with my exact name, and isn't that neat and interesting?
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