Without supervision
For the record: I have no kids. But I love "Supernanny." When I watch it, I'm simultaneously reminded why I'm glad I don't have kids, and saddened that these clearly overwhelmed people are the ones raising the next generation. But then Supernanny comes in and puts a few babies in the corner and writes up…
Read MoreWhat sound does the peacock make?
Austin Zoo Entrance So, two Novembers ago, I was down in Texas for Thanksgiving. Craig, my SIL Kris and their then-onliest-child Sydney and I went to the Austin Zoo. Now, bear in mind, I was accustomed to the Washington, D.C. zoo, and the Bronx Zoo. They were enormous metropolitan monstrosities with attendance to match, particularly…
Read MoreF-f-f-f-foolin
Yesterday, my Google Calendar had a new link at the top of it, and I clicked through. But it took me to a 404 page. Which seemed rather disorganized of them. Today, both my Google Calendar and my gMail had new links: Google Alarm and this: Custom Time I kind of glossed over the first…
Read MoreNo beat that should be heard in nature
On a day that’s rainy and kind of joyless, this had me absolutely wetting myself. Enjoy.
Read MoreTemptation, the sequel
Make it big Well, I know how I'm spending my federal rebate check: From one George to another… And based on the ticket prices, I'm going to need every penny. But I missed Wham and any solo tours back in the day, so it's payback time. I want to shake my shimmy at Madison Square…
Read MoreTemptation
I scream Memo to whoever has left two quarts of peanut-butter flavored ice cream untouched in the company freezer for the past week: I am not made of stone. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Read MoreHome again, home again
Better than one At left, the latest in the continuing selection of "Two Heads Together" photos. This is what happens: SXSW is such a huge, overwhelming event with so much going on at all hours that the idea of blogging it is just insane. Some people appear to have more than 24 hours in a…
Read MoreSouth By Interlude
Right. So. About to drop over from too-much-movie-itis (I know, boo fuckin' hoo), and will hopefully have something useful to say next week about the craziness that is SXSW, but in the meanwhile: My record at not voting for viable candidates stands. As I noted a few weeks ago, I've never backed the winning horse…
Read MoreMessin’ time is here
Busier than a one-armed paper hanger Dear Publicists, I am closed for any further contact about South By Southwest 2008. My dance card is so full my feet are broken. I am entertaining any offers to drive me to the airport tomorrow morning, however. AT SIX. Hatty For those who have an interest, I'll be…
Read MoreSomewhere, a PETA member is plotzing
On the V train tonight The fur is real. The bag reads, "The Humane Society." I'm just sayin'.
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