Posts Tagged ‘hollywood’
On the Line
Mike and me got all pretty last night and went to New Line's 40th anniversary gala. You sure you don't mind wearing a penguin suit? We have no confirmation of this, but we think Jane Fonda was tipsy. Nicole Kidman was just radiant, though still unfortunately blond, and Daniel Craig did not show. My favorite…
Read MoreOuchie, then popcorn
So, I had a cortisone shot today. In my elbow. Let me tell you, the phrase "a shot in the arm" does not mean, in this case, that I felt rarin' to go. It actually means my elbow area now hurts more than it did before I had the shot, an after-effect that will apparently…
Read MoreGraceful, as always
Red hot I am not a George Clooney crazy. Really. I own nothing he's ever created, I tuned out of "ER" before he did, and I'm more likely to have pictures of Dave Eggers and Marc Maron up on my cubicle at work (and I do, I do) than I am of any movie actor.…
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