Themed Cupcakes: The Return

Right, so, between the book and my discovery (after about 200 million others) of Facebook, I just haven’t found myself in the mood much for blogging. Nor have I had the time. But if I really wanted to blog I’d have found the time and not started playing Sonny. Anyway, some photos to tide y’all…

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Christmas in Connecticut

Oink Hello to all! Happily ensconced in North Branford, CT and have been since yesterday afternoon. Mike is downstairs making pizza (with bacon!) while his mom is upstairs making every known combination of fish and sauce in the Western hemisphere, and his sister is doing something wild with mushrooms and vegetarian food. The house smells…

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Can I has savior?

Oh, aye, 'tis a fine lad ye have there Things are busy now, and an announcement about my BFF status with Dick Wolf is imminent, but until I have anything definite in that area, please to enjoy …. The Cavalcade of Bad Nativities! Brought to you by the fine, funny folks at Going Jesus. Head…

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All by mysElf….

Nice tights All right, people, I'm not made of stone. I went and drank the Office Max Kool-Aid and here are the results. Prepare to shield your eyes and hide the children. Also, here's one for Larry and Mom, because I know they'll never get around to making one of their own. Please to enjoy.…

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The most wonderful time of the year

Sacked Out As Thanksgiving recedes and I fail to write about it due to time constraints, I fear the events of that week may never be recorded for all posterity. Eh, who cares. I'll get to it if I can. What I'm stuck on now is my complete addiction to Palmer chocolate candy. Seriously. You've…

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