Posts Tagged ‘dog’
The (Occasional) Daily Dog
For Love of Chair Now that I read the morning paper at the dining room table like a) a normal person b) a person of leisure, Ciara has taken to joining me on a nearby chair. Largely, I sense, because my leftover food sits waiting for the sink and she's hoping to get involved before…
Read MoreSuch a little lady
She's got legs Am I the only one who thinks my dog's legs, crossed daintily in the back as she gnaws on a rawhide chew up front, are the most adorable/funniest things in the world? Probably. They won't make it on Cute Overload, I'm sure, but they're just darlin' to me.
Read MoreReview: The Great Cupcake Pan
The Great Cupcake Pan Had me a slice o' cupcake tonight. Now, that's not being overly frugal or diet-conscious. Thanks to Williams-Sonoma's Great Cupcake Pan, the entire world I knew before this weekend has been completely upended. On the one hand, cupcakes are meant to be small. Portable. Snacky. On the other, for cupcake freaks…
Read MoreShave and a haircut, too hot
Arrr, she is a fine tradition we have here in Jackson Heights: The cutting of the hair of the dog. Just in time for the temps to hit 100, Ciara got herself all shaved off on Friday after almost a year without a groom. (I know, I know, but it's more than I pay for…
Read MoreWalkin’ with my doggie
I got to work from home today (snow!) so I ended up having some spare time to oh, you know, make a video. Please to enjoy Ciara, on her daily morning walk. A la snow. P.S. Music is “Midnight in Moscow,” by Kenny Ball and his Jazzmen.
Read MoreTuesday night video: The dog, the sock, and the YouTube
I have quadrupled (maybe more) my YouTube content. This be Ciara my crazy, sock-lovin’ cairn. I’ve got a few other shorties up there now, too, just click over here. Looking to pare down my extensive video collection to include some of my favorite clips over the next few weeks, just to contribute to the collective…
Read MoreVideo: The Great Mystery
With all the stuff I need to do this week, making a short video was not on the list. And yet, an inside joke over Thanksgiving has now created a monster. Probably nobody else will get it but me and Mike, but there you are. Please to enjoy “The Great Mystery.” Also available on Google…
Read MoreChristmas in Connecticut
Oink Hello to all! Happily ensconced in North Branford, CT and have been since yesterday afternoon. Mike is downstairs making pizza (with bacon!) while his mom is upstairs making every known combination of fish and sauce in the Western hemisphere, and his sister is doing something wild with mushrooms and vegetarian food. The house smells…
Read MoreGetting ahead with Ciara
I've been working on a Dia de los Muertos skull pinata for Saturday's party. It's a paper mache thing, and it's still got the balloon inside keeping it filled, so I dangle it upside down while it's drying from the latest coat of gluewater. Ciara has finally taken notice. Ciara Meets The Skull You can't…
Read MoreFeed me!
Ciara, probably hungry This has already been crossposted among two of my neighborhood friends (on LiveJournal) but I just don't care. It's spot on. (Not written by moi, by the way.) Dog: I am starving.Me: Actually, no. You aren't starving. You get two very good meals a day. And treats. And Best Beloved fed you…
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