12.19.15 ‘Put a sprinkle on your nose, on your nose’

I met Julia when I was in 6th grade, and we’re still being goofy together some (mumble mumble) years later. Today she had me (and some fellow amazing friends) over to tackle the singularly difficult building of the Taj Mahal … in shortbread. And sprinkles. And frosting. I was unable to stay for the completion…

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Themed Cupcakes: The Return

Right, so, between the book and my discovery (after about 200 million others) of Facebook, I just haven’t found myself in the mood much for blogging. Nor have I had the time. But if I really wanted to blog I’d have found the time and not started playing Sonny. Anyway, some photos to tide y’all…

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Train Pie!

Train Pie! So last night, Rose had a birthday. And she had a gathering of friends – slash – party – slash – jaunt out to deepest Queens to the most amazing spa place in the world. But before that, there was pie. A whole group of us got together at Grand Central Terminal for…

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Review: The Great Cupcake Pan

The Great Cupcake Pan Had me a slice o' cupcake tonight. Now, that's not being overly frugal or diet-conscious. Thanks to Williams-Sonoma's Great Cupcake Pan, the entire world I knew before this weekend has been completely upended. On the one hand, cupcakes are meant to be small. Portable. Snacky. On the other, for cupcake freaks…

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Cupcakes, the second batch

And now, the final batch of cupcakes, for Mike's Dia de los Muertos party tonight. (The first ones are here.) Some of these were a ton of fun to make — but by the end of about 40 I was pretty over the whole thing! Skull-tastic Never put the whole pumpkin in your mouth at…

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