Sell it!
Just got a press invitation on a major trip that I'm sure I can't go on. That said, it is hard not to be enticed by this line from the invitation:
This world-wind tour to visit the scientific laboratories where the biggest breakthrough in beauty has been uncovered will give you a once in a lifetime opportunity to tour a high security medical laboratory protected by razor wire and machine-gun toting armed guards.
Putting aside the unironic, if interesting "world-wind" idea, who wouldn't be thrilled to pass by armed guards in a foreign country to check out a beauty factory? And razor wire! How chic!
Nobody said perfection is without price.
When I was 21 (a long, long time ago) I went to Italy and I was walking along and noticed that there were guards outside of some huge building and they were toting machine guns…big freaking machine guns…and I thought to myself, “I thought Italy was supposed to be all about beauty and art and shit?”
That was the first and only time I have seen a gun that scary and real! Maybe that was the place they asked you to go?
Actually, it was Russia, which lends a whole other level to scary guys with machine guns!
I’m not going, alas.