4.08.16 20 Years in NYC, Pt. 5: ‘Keep your eyes on the spinning top’
What I think I’ve discovered in the last 20-odd years (some rather odd years, at that) is that planning is a good thing, but not the only thing. Sometimes you just have to get the top spinning — and watch where it goes all on its own.
Read More3.28.16 20 Years in NYC, Pt. 4: ‘They’re touching you!’
Having stakes in the city — that is, a mortgage — and being here during a national tragedy seemed to forge a whole new sense of belonging for me. By 2002, I’d been in New York City for over five years and it was the place I never knew I wanted to be but couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.
Read More3.21.16 20 Years in NYC, Pt. 3: ‘Many worlds I’ve come since I first left home’
I got on the train and the car was quiet. Very quiet. As we curled around Queensboro Plaza and got that great east side view of the city you could still see black and gray smoke trailing from the south end of Manhattan, as if the place had sprung a leak or caught fire. The train trundled past and we all moved to the window to watch until the bend on the tracks curved us out of the way. Then we went back to our seats and avoided each others’ eyes.
Read More3.13.16 20 Years in NYC, Part 2: Be the shark, never stop moving
If life isn’t giving you what you want, find a new path. Be the shark, never stop moving. That path may not take you where you want to go, but on the road you may — if you’re lucky — run into a fork that actually leads you forward.
Read More3.11.16 Clickbait, Kim Kardashian, and the opposite of ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ magic
Every time you click on a dopey picture of a dopey reality star (or egocentric musician or ridiculous media-hogging actor), the opposite of the It’s a Wonderful Life magic happens. An angel does not get his (or her) wings. Instead, an angel keels over, choking.
Read More3.7.16 20 Years in NYC, Part 1: ‘I may get a little worked up’
I wasn’t planning to be a New Yorker. New York just kind of happened to me.
Read More2.10.16 Writer’s Cut: ‘Narnia is still behind the wardrobe’
I’m a homebird. I’m the homebird who fantasizes about an RV in Patagonia, but really I just want to be in Dublin.
Read More1.8.16 ‘I needed, like, a beginning middle and end’
I’m having a weird moment: There’s very little TV on my DVR right now. The net I’m throwing out and trawling just isn’t catching anything worth watching, and I’m so grateful when it does that when The Blacklist returned to my lineup Thursday night (don’t judge me, there’s nothing wrong about this completely nonsensical wish fulfillment show) I was thrilled.
Read More12.30.15 ‘He moves like God’s immaculate machine’
We’ve gotten away from it all to end the year, and we’ve brought the dog. Birdie came to us in April from — as we were told — a foster rescue situation with an elderly couple in Tennessee. The couple, who reportedly live in a rural area, were ailing and could no longer take care…
Read More12.17.15 ‘The Seuss use was certainly on point’
Here’s a sentence you don’t get to use much: Keira Knightley was my warm up act today.
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