Curiosity Quills

Very kind of Curiosity Quills to include me in their Blogging from A to Z list!

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1.20.15 ‘Something like 500 hours of radio and TV’

Who says science fiction can’t be funny? “Nothing really new has been created since the Overlords came… There’s nothing left to struggle for and there are too many distractions and entertainments. Do you realize that every day something like 500 hours of radio and TV our out over the various channels? If you went without…

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Good news: My writing group is preparing to start meeting again. Bad news: I haven't done any fresh writing since we last met. This should be an incentive, but it keeps feeling like the last Jenga piece you pull before the whole tower collapses in. More later today, possibly.

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Seem a little off this morning; forgot to put on my FitBit (long story there) to work out, and haven't had caffeine. Will try and post a little later once the brain is back up to running speed. That said, watched a segment (while working out) on free divers. Amazing stuff, holding your breath over…

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Oscars today. Things will be crazy busy. Get back atcha on Friday.

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Singing a new tune

Ever do something as a hobby, then try to take it to the next level and feel like you're a little out of your depth? That was me last night: Jumping into a full-blown a capella female chorus, and doing my best to tread water. I've been dabbling in choruses for a couple of years…

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Making a list, maybe getting back to it later

Ah, yes, the return to the normal routine. Mine tends to include lists. I'll think of things as I get up in the morning and before I know it, there's a list of things to do for the day — but it feels like at the start of the year these lists are even longer.…

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Releasing stories into the wild

There is something unseemly in the practice of self-promotion. Oh, I'll give it to you — in America today we're taught that the individual is No. 1, and that in order to get ahead you need to know how to sell yourself. Brands! Marketing! Business! Faster, pussycat, sell, sell, sell! Yet it is uncomfortable to…

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