4.08.16 20 Years in NYC, Pt. 5: ‘Keep your eyes on the spinning top’
What I think I’ve discovered in the last 20-odd years (some rather odd years, at that) is that planning is a good thing, but not the only thing. Sometimes you just have to get the top spinning — and watch where it goes all on its own.
Read More3.28.16 20 Years in NYC, Pt. 4: ‘They’re touching you!’
Having stakes in the city — that is, a mortgage — and being here during a national tragedy seemed to forge a whole new sense of belonging for me. By 2002, I’d been in New York City for over five years and it was the place I never knew I wanted to be but couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.
Read More12.31.15 ‘Last stop’
We’ve been hanging in the woods. This is the first day we’ve seen sun. Birdie has taken to the woods like she was born to them. And being a West Highland Terrier, she certainly is made for a slightly more rugged terrain than our living room. Watching her plug her little nose to the ground…
Read More12.30.15 ‘He moves like God’s immaculate machine’
We’ve gotten away from it all to end the year, and we’ve brought the dog. Birdie came to us in April from — as we were told — a foster rescue situation with an elderly couple in Tennessee. The couple, who reportedly live in a rural area, were ailing and could no longer take care…
Read More9.25.15 ‘I am afraid I must step aside’
Eddie Redmayne remains a baffling Oscar superstar, and what it’s like to have a lead-lined pillow whomp you upside the head on a Friday afternoon.
Read More8.26.15 “It’s nice to look down and see a new piece of jewelry on my finger”
Current wanderings in my brain, links, and photos. Come on in.
Read MoreDogs, foxes and a strange magnetic attraction
Your dog is not meandering hither and yon and re-orienting itself twelve times before unloading its waste materials on a whim, or even probably because it wants to find a great smell first. No, says a new study, it’s all based on the earth’s magnetic alignment.
Read More2009: Fiji – New Zealand – Australia
In 2009, I hit a birthday milestone and was lucky enough to have a full-time freelance career that allowed me to take three weeks off for a journey I’d been wanting to take since I was about 12: Australia! Now, the package deal I secured also included a brief stop in Fiji (pro: made the…
Read More5.29.04 Hadrian’s Wall Walk: Bowness-on-Solway
I got in around 2, and the sun was out and full and lovely and the whole place simply glistened and burst with colors. Very quiet – Sundays seem that way wherever I go in England. And no real shops anyway. I had no idea where anyone in town got groceries, but hey, this was a place where the post office was only open twice a week.
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