8.26.15 “It’s nice to look down and see a new piece of jewelry on my finger”

Welcome to the new web page! Do roam around to your heart’s content, and pick up a book on your way out.

Here’s what’s wandering in my brain right now:

♦ It’s hard to single out one single random shooting as being worth more attention than any other, but I have to say: No one should die in their 20s while doing their job — trying to share the happenings of the world with the general public. Two people with their whole lives ahead of them, snuffed out by a “disgruntled ex-employee.” The killer is to blame, but so are we in America for continuing to act like this isn’t happening.

♦ Here’s what I did on the job this morning:

Goggled at the notion that Eminem and Linkin Park’s music can be considered “timeless.” (The creator of the survey, which cross-referenced Billboard top songs with number of Spotify plays, told me he was re-thinking using the word “timeless.”) Semantics, semantics.

Tried to sum up the Establishment Clause in fewer than three sentences while writing about why a portrait of Jesus has no place in a public school. This is brinksmanship, pure and simple.

Attempted to care that one celebrity loves his wife, and his new jewelry. Please note: I never was, and never will be, a fan of Friends.

♦ Still wishing for advancement, resolution or closure on my latest submissions and tried not to put too much energy into one short story making it past the initial edit rounds.

♦ Tweet of the day:

♦ I do love Mr. Robot, even if it now seems to be leaning toward more family resolution than paranoid underground weirdness. And I’m already missing Humans. More, please, of both.

♦ Happy #NationalDogDay! Of course, in my house it’s dog day every day. Especially in the afternoons. This is Birdie.

