01.23.17 Kick out the White House press corps? Oh, please do!

The Orwellian playbook the new White House administration has been using now has a new phrase: “alternative facts.” That’s how spokesperson Kellyanne Conway characterized new press secretary Scott Spicer’s assertion of attendance at Friday’s inaugural of the new POTUS. But she also had this gem to add, speaking to “Meet the Press” anchor Chuck Todd:…

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11.12.16 ‘I’m done with you people’

I saw a headline this morning that read something like “Mike Pence doesn’t accept evolution, and here’s why that matters,” here was my reaction: I’m done with you people. Utterly spent, completely done, worn down, nothing but raw bone showing. I think I’ve been done since I went to bed in tears around 11pm on Tuesday…

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6.13.16 ‘Til the world turns upside down’

Hamilton comes along at a surly time in American history. We are at a stage where we no longer trust our captains, where we believe everything below decks is made of barnacled, rotting wood. Where we have two people running for the highest office in the land – one Hamilton himself never achieved – one of whom will help steer the course for our country’s future as the world slowly turns upside down.

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3.21.16 20 Years in NYC, Pt. 3: ‘Many worlds I’ve come since I first left home’

I got on the train and the car was quiet. Very quiet. As we curled around Queensboro Plaza and got that great east side view of the city you could still see black and gray smoke trailing from the south end of Manhattan, as if the place had sprung a leak or caught fire. The train trundled past and we all moved to the window to watch until the bend on the tracks curved us out of the way. Then we went back to our seats and avoided each others’ eyes.

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