9.06.18 Guest Blog: J.L. Gribble on Steel Time, Siamese cats, and telling us all she knows
Happy book birthday to J.L. Gribble! This week, the fourth book in her Steel Empires fantasy/alternate history series, Steel Time, is being published by Dog Star Books, the science-fiction/adventure imprint of Raw Dog Screaming Press, and I’ve happily asked her to answer a few questions about herself, and the book, here on my blog. As she…
Read More8.28.2018 How ‘Sharp Objects’ ultimately lost its teeth and cheated viewers in the process
Warning: Spoilers. Oh, so many spoilers about the full season of Sharp Objects below. Sharp Objects, the adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s (Gone Girl) first novel just wrapped up its one and only season on Sunday. Having missed most of its original run, I blazed through it in just a couple of days, and let’s just…
Read More5.22.18 How To Review Your Friend’s Book in 5 Easy Steps, and Why Authors Keep Asking You To
A friend writes: “Someone close to me has self-published her book and asked me to write a review. I helped her with edits years ago, but haven’t read it since she published. It wasn’t really my style, but I was happy to help. I have no idea what to write for a review. We’re trying…
Read More5.17.18 9 Ways I Know ‘Book Club’ Will Stink, Based on the Poster
Last night, Dear Husband and I were talking about what we might do this weekend. (We still haven’t seen Black Panther, which is a stain on our character, and that is probably what will happen.) But then he brought up Book Club. I’m not sure if my eyes dropped out right then or a few…
Read More9.07.17 NYRSF Reading in Brooklyn – Randee Dawn and Cassandra Khaw
In case you missed my New York Review of Science Fiction reading with Cassandra Khaw on Wednesday, September 6, you can now view the whole thing in living color via Livestream! Alas, it doesn’t seem that I can embed it here, but just click through and you’ll do fine!
Read More7.26.17 Read my story ‘The Visitors’ in the new issue of Fantasia Divinity
Huzzah! My story, “The Visitors,” can now be read at Fantasia Divinity, as part of their July 2017 issue. Thanks to editor Madeline Stout, who saw the beauty in the tale. A sample: Tales tumbled from Ma’s mouth like ripe fruit from a summer tree. She would pierce each one open with her voice, sending…
Read MoreConfluence (Parsec) 2017
Friday, August 4 6 p.m. Superhero movies: Why hasn’t the bubble burst? Commonwealth East JL Gribble (moderator), Timothy Liebe, Randee Dawn, Dame Dahlia “Star Wars” initiated a series of Hollywood sf films, and “Halloween” started a craze for slasher films. But in the end, the bubble burst. We’re saturated with superhero movies, television series, and…
Read More7.08.17 Flashback! Ellen Kushner and Delia Sherman talk Readercon (1994): ‘It’s like Brigadoon!’
In 1994, I had my first brush with science fiction/fantasy conventions when The Boston Phoenix asked me to interview Ursula K. LeGuin, who was to be the Guest of Honor (along with Terri Windling) at the 7th annual Readercon. At that time, I still had an image in my head that SFF conventions were all…
Read More7.08.17 Flashback! Ursula K. LeGuin, ahead of 1994’s Readercon: ‘I just always made things out of words’
In 1994, I had my first brush with science fiction/fantasy conventions when The Boston Phoenix asked me to interview Ursula K. LeGuin, who was to be the Guest of Honor (along with Terri Windling) at the 7th annual Readercon. At that time, I still had an image in my head that SFF conventions were all…
Read MoreReadercon 2017
Readercon, which bills itself as “the conference on imaginative literature,” is meeting for the 28th time in Massachusetts from July 13-16 and I will definitely be there! If you’re planning to attend, please say hello and come to find me at these readings and panels: Thursday, July 13 8:00 p.m. Salon A Broad Universe Rapid…
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