Posts Tagged ‘writing’
11.27.15 ‘Our eyes can be just the right size’
Since we are now on that steep snowbank of holiday season, careening at gathering speed from Thanksgiving to Hanukkah to Christmas to Kwanzaa to Festivus to New Years to Oh Lord Another Year Has Passed, I offer up my annual tradition: My short story, “Home for the Holidays,” which combines a feud, holiday lights, and … murder. You’ll never see decorations the same way again.
Read MoreBroad Universe Full Moon Blog Tour: Free excerpt from ‘The Only Song Worth Singing’
Welcome to the Broad Universe Full Moon blog hop, where you can read wonderful words from women writers and make yourself eligible for terrific prizes. Read on for more!
Read More10.14.15 Coming soon to a blog near you…
Contests! Content! Broads! Check back here on Oct. 25 to find out what that’s all about!
Read More9.25.15 ‘I am afraid I must step aside’
Eddie Redmayne remains a baffling Oscar superstar, and what it’s like to have a lead-lined pillow whomp you upside the head on a Friday afternoon.
Read More9.3.15 “The keeping real of shit matters to some people, but it does not matter to me. “
How one author’s essay changed my outlook, and made it possible to open my arms to the un-cool things I loved.
Read MoreHere’s how the story doesn’t end: TV adaptations that make it up as they go along
TV’s rapacious interest in book adaptations has been expanding lately. Today, novels are seen as springboards and not holy writ, and TV shows are happily going way off the reservation.
Read MoreLet’s get retro: My 2007 ‘Mad Men’ review for The Hollywood Reporter
Back in July of 2007, I was about a year and four months from getting laid off from The Hollywood Reporter after a pretty good run at the troubled trade publication (which has very much bounced back in the years since after going through a visionary rethink). But they were at loose ends in a…
Read MoreContain yourself! Four shows whose “bottle” episodes are short bursts of perfection
Into the life of every TV series, a breather must fall. Here you have a successful plot engine chugging along, peopled by a beloved ensemble cast, all of whom who up every week to continue an ongoing story. But that can get tiring. Everyone needs a palate-cleanser. Which is what happens when a showrunner and…
Read MoreArisia 2015: My schedule, and how I’ll defy both time and space while there
Coming to Arisia 2015? Here’s where you’ll find me, hoping to be in two places at once….
Read MoreWhen fantasy writers turn on TV, what turns fantasy writers on? (Hint: Breaking Bad)
On my way to the World Fantasy Convention in Crystal City, Virginia last weekend, I had a chat with an editor, who sighed with dismay that she’d initially packed only four or five books to bring with her for the long weekend. She wondered if that was enough. I began to wonder if I just…
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