New religion

Skipped SXSW, the film/interactive/music extravaganza nuttiness in Austin, TX this year. Didn't miss it. Even more strangely, I didn't blink much when I learned that The Band of My Youth would be headlining a show at Stubb's, one of the best rib joints in the city, and home to big acts during the madness (including…

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Home again, home again

Better than one At left, the latest in the continuing selection of "Two Heads Together" photos. This is what happens: SXSW is such a huge, overwhelming event with so much going on at all hours that the idea of blogging it is just insane. Some people appear to have more than 24 hours in a…

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Messin’ time is here

Busier than a one-armed paper hanger Dear Publicists, I am closed for any further contact about South By Southwest 2008. My dance card is so full my feet are broken. I am entertaining any offers to drive me to the airport tomorrow morning, however. AT SIX. Hatty For those who have an interest, I'll be…

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Austin messes with me

Movie madness! It's a remote post! Not that you'd know it. Texas is messing with me for a few days: I'm down in Austin for the film portion of the South By Southwest (SXSW) festival extravaganza which begins today, switches to an interactive and then music portion, then dies in a haze of beer and…

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