Happy 80th to Harlan Ellison, who has a knock-knock joke for you

Harlan Ellison, that irascible love-him or hate-him genius of speculative fiction, lawsuits and storytelling, turns 80 today. While covering the South by Southwest Festival in 2008, I got a chance to talk with him in person (there's a video I'll turn up one of these days), and before that, on the phone. Here's just the…

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Torchwood: Come on baby, light my fire

The Gang's All Here Am in the midst of Torchwood's "Children of Earth" quintilogy. Having a few thoughts here. Caveats: I'm far from an expert on Torchwood. I have seen approximately 5 episodes of season two, and no others. I have seen (I believe) all of the Capt. Jack Harkness episodes from "Doctor Who," and…

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