4 reasons most book clubs just don’t work

Finding the right book club feels like dating. Many will be tried, few will succeed. At least, that's been my experience. Over the years I occasionally feel a need to actually share my reading experiences, which are wide and varied and as much about finding book-lovin' folk as it is to talk about the specific…

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You can’t go home to Arrakis again

Recently, a link popped up all over my Facebook thread, informing me how I could begin breezing through books at a much more rapid rate than I do. If I don't know anything more about that particular link, it's because, f that noise. I see no need to read faster. I probably need to read…

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Kick your own can, jump in your own tub of marshmallows

This morning, I watched Veronica Roth jump into a bathtub full of marshmallows. I'm a bit behind the times — she did this in 2010 and posted it on her blog, a promise fulfilled to her readers about what she'd do if she landed a book deal. And when "Divergent" got her that deal, she…

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A big fat Stephen King novel? Thanks, I’ll have another

Right now, there's nothing I'd really rather be doing than reading my current book. (Okay, maybe something involving a hot fudge sundae and a white sandy beach while getting a backrub might come out on top.) But when you've gotten your hooks into a book that just makes you keep turning the pages until you…

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Reading all the words

I'm juggling a lot at the moment, but two of the things I'm juggling at least give me a significant amount of pleasure: I'm in the middle of two books at once. "Earth Abides" by George Stewart is possibly one of the first of the modern postapocalyptic novels; it came out in 1949 and is…

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The inevitable discovery

Words guaranteed to evoke mixed emotions once you've heard them for the first time: Mom telling me: "(Your stepfather) reads your blog every day." Words guaranteed to evoke a profound sense of relief upon hearing them for the first time: Mom again: "I don't have time to read it myself; I don't spend that much…

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