Posts Tagged ‘movies’
Type it, and the words will come. Trust me on this.
As I told M Sunday night around 12:15 am (so okay, it was early Sunday morning), it's easier than breaking rocks to get paid to cover the Oscars from the comfort of your own home office … but six hours in front of the TV and computer screen ain't for wusses, either. We got home…
Read MoreSci-fi/fantasy will eat itself (or) HBO’s bid for literary success
Just returned from the sci-fi convention Arisia, up in the surprisingly temperate zone of Boston, in which I spent several hours on panels talking about sci-fi/fantasy films and TV. (I also sold a book, but that's for another post.) Lesson learned: It is possible to get about 20 people in a room to talk about…
Read MoreTruth and consequences in flying drunk, or: Fly me, Denzel Washington
I enjoyed "Flight," for the most part. I wasn't sure what Hollywood had still to tell us about the dangers of alcoholism, and I was concerned it would turn into a big-ticket version of an Afterschool Special. But as most everyone recognizes, Denzel Washington is a terrific actor, deeply felt and not hard on the…
Read MoreBehind the mask
At the risk of making life sound far more exciting than it has been lately (helping my man recover from pneumonia involved a lot of letting him sleep while I tiptoed around the apartment), I went off to another screening last night. This one for "Mildred Pierce," which has been remade into a 5-part miniseries…
Read MoreVery much a Win Win situation
Went to a special screening of the new Paul Giamatti/Amy Ryan film "Win Win" last night (and really, has there been a more ideally-suited, realistic pairing in casting history?) — and I really can't recommend it highly enough. It's not annoyingly quirky like some indie films, and it's got a real moral center to it.…
Read MoreThe Signatories of the Free Polanski Petition – Demand Explanations
Erika Abrams, Fatih Akin, Yves Alberty, Stephane Allagnon, Woody Allen, Pedro Almodovar, Gianni Amelio, Wess Anderson, Michel Andrieu, Roger Andrieux, Jean-Jacques Annaud, Tomas Arana, Frédéric Aranzueque-Arrieta, Alexandre Arcady, Fanny Ardant, Asia Argento, Marie-Hélène Arnau, Darren Aronofsky, Olivier Assayas, Alexander Astruc, Gabriel Auer, Zdzicho Augustyniak, Alexandre Babel, Vladimir Bagrianski, Lubomila Bakardi, Fausto Nicolás Balbi, Eleonor Baldwin,…
Read MoreFour things that happened today
Number 1: I joined Facebook. I know, I caved. Now I have more things to waste my time than ever before!Number 2: I became art. Thanks to LeendaDLL, for the idea! Number 3: I learned that the monster you make up is always more scary than the real-live thing. (I had to tell my boss…
Read MoreWhat I’ve been up to
Lording it over everyone else I’m one of those people who has a definitive answer if you ask what my favorite movie of all time is: “The Philadelphia Story.” This isn’t one of those calculated-to-be-cool answers; I didn’t go through the algorithms of: old picture (good)+legendary actors starring (good)+not the obvious choice (i.e. Casablanca, Citizen…
Read MoreUpdate: Mea culpas, too many ideas, a little “Sex”
Photo by John Hann Bad, bad blogger. Bad, bad updater. What can I say, except that in addition to this blog there's the one for work, the one for the band, the one for the faded but still present obsession, and there's one they're trying to get me to contribute to but I need more…
Read MoreMessin’ time is here
Busier than a one-armed paper hanger Dear Publicists, I am closed for any further contact about South By Southwest 2008. My dance card is so full my feet are broken. I am entertaining any offers to drive me to the airport tomorrow morning, however. AT SIX. Hatty For those who have an interest, I'll be…
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