Deep inna heart of….

Well, after last night's airport debacle, I finally made it to Austin. At 1:30 in the morning. From a flight scheulded (originally) to leave at 6:55. The craziness went like this: 1) Huge unmoving line at Terminal 3 security. Why? We think — we think — two guys rushed the security gates. And they couldn't…

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So far away … yet so near

Stuck at Jfk … Delta blows! Update: A 6:45 pm flight to Austin boards … around 7. Sits on tarmac. Diesel spills everywhere. Cleanup crews with whirly orange lights are called. Cleanup begins. We de-board (never a good sign) around 7:30. We sit. And we sit. And we sit. And around 9:30, the news comes:…

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