A big fat Stephen King novel? Thanks, I’ll have another

Right now, there's nothing I'd really rather be doing than reading my current book. (Okay, maybe something involving a hot fudge sundae and a white sandy beach while getting a backrub might come out on top.) But when you've gotten your hooks into a book that just makes you keep turning the pages until you…

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Something for the weekend

Off to the Arisia con up in Boston this weekend; stop on by if you're in town. Will be doing a reading from some piece of fiction (not totally decided yet), moderating and appearing on panels and, if I'm very lucky, selling a few books at the Fantastic Books booth (thanks, Ian!) Yes, there will…

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Getting rekindled, and no, not in the e-book way

Feeling a little stuck lately with the writing. There, I said it. Also: Not feeling it at all with the writing. Which, I'm sure most people would say is a signal to take a breather. Thing is, I've been breathing a while. The fiction just isn't coming as easily these days, which makes me extremely…

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Reading all the words

I'm juggling a lot at the moment, but two of the things I'm juggling at least give me a significant amount of pleasure: I'm in the middle of two books at once. "Earth Abides" by George Stewart is possibly one of the first of the modern postapocalyptic novels; it came out in 1949 and is…

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The Eagle has landed

Proof of life So, remember roughly about a year ago, where you were? I remember where I was: Sweatin' up a storm in Ft. Lee, New Jersey and eatin' up the yummies on the set of "Law & Order: SVU" in between watching the filming, taking notes and interviewing cast members. Some of the most…

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Book ’em

I am a book lover. But I'm cheap. Well, hardly flush with cash. That's the main thing. If I had tons of money to toss around I'd buy hardbacks left and right. But my general M.O. is this: Hear of book.Find book in library.Reserve book.Wait.Tap foot.Wait.Get book.Read book.Love book? –> Get hardback.Like book? –> Return.…

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The lows of Highsmith

Edith's Diary (Highsmith, Patricia) Patricia Highsmith Patricia Highsmith, my nemesis. Yes, she did a lovely job with the Ripley books (she's behind "The Talented Mr. Ripley," among others), but I've been burned twice now and I'm done. Done, I say! I checked out a book of her short stories earlier in the year. They were…

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