Posts Tagged ‘books’
A big fat Stephen King novel? Thanks, I’ll have another
Right now, there's nothing I'd really rather be doing than reading my current book. (Okay, maybe something involving a hot fudge sundae and a white sandy beach while getting a backrub might come out on top.) But when you've gotten your hooks into a book that just makes you keep turning the pages until you…
Read MoreSize doesn’t matter (or) how I sold a book to a total stranger
So what if you gave a reading and nobody came? Not the highlight of Arisia for me, but it happens. The programmers ask if you're an author, and if you are, they'll generally slate you in with a couple of other people to sit behind a table and read some of your work for 20…
Read MoreSci-fi/fantasy will eat itself (or) HBO’s bid for literary success
Just returned from the sci-fi convention Arisia, up in the surprisingly temperate zone of Boston, in which I spent several hours on panels talking about sci-fi/fantasy films and TV. (I also sold a book, but that's for another post.) Lesson learned: It is possible to get about 20 people in a room to talk about…
Read MoreSomething for the weekend
Off to the Arisia con up in Boston this weekend; stop on by if you're in town. Will be doing a reading from some piece of fiction (not totally decided yet), moderating and appearing on panels and, if I'm very lucky, selling a few books at the Fantastic Books booth (thanks, Ian!) Yes, there will…
Read MoreGetting rekindled, and no, not in the e-book way
Feeling a little stuck lately with the writing. There, I said it. Also: Not feeling it at all with the writing. Which, I'm sure most people would say is a signal to take a breather. Thing is, I've been breathing a while. The fiction just isn't coming as easily these days, which makes me extremely…
Read MoreReading all the words
I'm juggling a lot at the moment, but two of the things I'm juggling at least give me a significant amount of pleasure: I'm in the middle of two books at once. "Earth Abides" by George Stewart is possibly one of the first of the modern postapocalyptic novels; it came out in 1949 and is…
Read MoreLibrary blog book challenge commences! (2010 version)
Home for books! Ach, I have been so lax about posting here. Really, I've just been absorbed by Facebook, where I will also post this information. But on the off chance I can help the local library by reviving the blog briefly, I'm all for it. So here we go, one day late but: This…
Read MoreThe Eagle has landed
Proof of life So, remember roughly about a year ago, where you were? I remember where I was: Sweatin' up a storm in Ft. Lee, New Jersey and eatin' up the yummies on the set of "Law & Order: SVU" in between watching the filming, taking notes and interviewing cast members. Some of the most…
Read MoreBook ’em
I am a book lover. But I'm cheap. Well, hardly flush with cash. That's the main thing. If I had tons of money to toss around I'd buy hardbacks left and right. But my general M.O. is this: Hear of book.Find book in library.Reserve book.Wait.Tap foot.Wait.Get book.Read book.Love book? –> Get hardback.Like book? –> Return.…
Read MoreThe lows of Highsmith
Edith's Diary (Highsmith, Patricia) Patricia Highsmith Patricia Highsmith, my nemesis. Yes, she did a lovely job with the Ripley books (she's behind "The Talented Mr. Ripley," among others), but I've been burned twice now and I'm done. Done, I say! I checked out a book of her short stories earlier in the year. They were…
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