South By Interlude
Right. So. About to drop over from too-much-movie-itis (I know, boo fuckin' hoo), and will hopefully have something useful to say next week about the craziness that is SXSW, but in the meanwhile:
My record at not voting for viable candidates stands. As I noted a few weeks ago, I've never backed the winning horse in a political race larger than — at the time — governor. That's because I voted for Gov. Spitzer and he actually won. As of today, I'm back down to never choosing anyone in a race larger than city council, and I'm not even 100% sure I backed any winners there.
Non-profanity cannot express my insane irritation at this series of developments. Moral here? You can't fight The Machine, and you can't even take a good run at The Machine if you keep dropping your pants. I haven't felt this annoyed since Gary Hart taunted the press in the late 1980s and got caught with Donna Hart mere weeks later.
This is the exact reason why we need a woman in top office: Less pants dropping will go on.
So here's the question now. Seriously, folks, should I just go back McCain in November?
Well…. if you’d like to stick with your record, I would hope people tell you yes. 🙂
Yeah, I have been considering backing McCain. But he’s the devil.
I want Hil to win 🙁
It would all be reverse psychology if I actually voted for a Republican, natch.
I hate the polls! No more voting for the man. Srsly I’m sick of this BS.
Tameka Lewis the ‘pimp’ who arranged in the DC encounter lives in my bldg! We were getting chased by reporters every time we went in and out for a while. Which brings me to another question. Why in a high priced call girl pimp living in my craphole of bldg?
In November I’m just going to close my eyes and point.
Cameron G Rose