Getting rekindled, and no, not in the e-book way
Feeling a little stuck lately with the writing.
There, I said it. Also: Not feeling it at all with the writing.
Which, I'm sure most people would say is a signal to take a breather. Thing is, I've been breathing a while. The fiction just isn't coming as easily these days, which makes me extremely sad, because you always wonder whether it's going to go away forever.
That said, I have been trying to rewrite a story I thought was finished already, and there may be some pushback (from myself!) about doing that. It is moving along, but not easily and not so naturally. Once you've already sketched the world and the progression of events, switching things around and playing with new possibilities isn't necessarily the fun you'd think it would be.
So much easier to just dither with a computer game, where you get expected results. I keep thinking, oh, I'll do it on the weekend, but the weekend comes and goes and the passion isn't quite there. Yes, writing is work. It's just right now it's more work than play, which is not something I'm accustomed to.
Whine over. Anyone else out there feeling a little stuck? What are you doing to light the fire again?