For the days I’m not feeling special enough

I should always refer back to this:

There is
person with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

This should also squash the dozens of people I meet for the first time who insist they also know someone with my exact name, and isn't that neat and interesting?


  1. LeendaDLL on 8/13/08 at 2:27 pm

    nearly 5,000 with my first/last name combo!

  2. Armchair News on 8/13/08 at 4:52 pm

    You must find getting things pre-embossed with your name to be quite easy, then!

  3. LeendaDLL on 8/13/08 at 6:04 pm

    Actually, just the opposite. I think my first name had 1.8mill matches and my last had 1.3mill – so most of the stuff is gone before I get to it. Fortunately (??) I hate my name and rarely care to use my initials.

  4. Cameron G Rose on 8/14/08 at 10:34 am

    Is this why I can’t find a keyhain with your name on it? ;)  I share my name with 36 people…including a porn director. ;( I was thinking at my 20 year class reunion when people ask what I’ve been up to I could just show them “Women on top #16”