Katy Perry is not an anti-Semite. Probably.

I don't wander out in the world looking to get offended. If you go out looking for a fight, a fight will find you. But sometimes you don't have to look. That said, I have to ask: Katy Perry, really? For those who may not know, Katy Perry has a video coming out Thursday in…

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Wherein Bradley Cooper has a question for Sean Penn

Life rarely melds together this neatly; if there wasn't video/audio proof of this Louis C.K/Bradley Cooper/Sean Penn connection, I'd have to think the following video was a hoax.   But it goes to prove that you never know where life is taking you next, that one day the handsome nobody in the front row asking…

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New religion

Skipped SXSW, the film/interactive/music extravaganza nuttiness in Austin, TX this year. Didn't miss it. Even more strangely, I didn't blink much when I learned that The Band of My Youth would be headlining a show at Stubb's, one of the best rib joints in the city, and home to big acts during the madness (including…

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