Real-life hero makes good
He's gotten more than just a TV appearance, too: He got that medal. According to this story from the AP:
Autrey, whose knitted cap was brushed with grease and dirt
from the train passing overhead, played down his daring act as
he accepted the Bronze Medallion — for exceptional citizenship
and outstanding achievement — from Mayor Michael Bloomberg….While Bloomberg called Autrey a "true hero" and the New
York Post newspaper dubbed him the "Subway Superman," the
construction worker — who went to work as normal after the
incident — said the real heroes were U.S. troops in Iraq.Along with the civic award, Autrey was also given a year's
worth of free rides on New York's subway and buses, then met
with real-estate mogul Donald Trump, who gave him a $10,000
cheque, along with two other cheques from undisclosed donors.The Walt Disney Co. gave Autrey and his family a one-week
fully paid trip to the Disney World theme park in Orlando,
Florida, and tickets to the Broadway smash hit musical "The
Lion King."The New York Film Academy, where Hollopeter studies, said
it had given Autrey $5,000 and offered scholarships to his
daughters, while The New York Daily News reported Autrey had
been offered a television show apartment make-over.Autrey — whose boss didn't believe his excuse for being
late to work until he saw on the Internet what Autrey had done
— is also scheduled to appear on both "The Late Show With
David Letterman" and "The Ellen DeGeneres Show.""Good things happen when you do good," Autrey said. "What
better way to start a new year than saving a life?"
[this is good]