Here’s a place for all the content I just wasn’t sure what to do with. So feel free to meander through, and enjoy!
Brooklyn Books & Booze @ Barrow’s Intense
Your one-stop location to finding out what you need to know about the Rooftop Readings at Barrows Intense in Industry City, Brooklyn. I’m hosting! Want to attend? Want to read? Click here!

Ring of Kerry, Ireland, 1990

Fiji/New Zealand/Australia, 2009

Colorado Backcountry Hiker Trip, 2007

Hadrian’s Wall Walk (UK) 2004
Awesomeness By Other People
An Interview with Dave Eggers (The Harvard Advocate, 2000)
For a long time this was only available on the internet ’cause I put it up there; it was buried/disappeared from the Advocate’s archives. It may be elsewhere now, but I want to make sure it stands.
JAB Canid Education and Conservation Center
Amy and David Bassett are devoted to rescuing canids from wherever they need help, and specialize in saving foxes from fur farms and bringing adult foxes from the Russian domestication project to America. I regularly go out to their location near San Diego to get my author photos taken there, and hang out with the lovely beasts for a while. They offer sponsorships for several of their rescues, and you can visit and get your picture taken there too (see website for pricing/scheduling). Save a fox today!